
our story

Hi there.  We are the Hodson Family.:  Jake, Kris, Sam, Penny and Eliza.  Like most of you, Jake and I started out with big dreams for our family.  Overtime, we slowly got caught up in the everyday current of life and found ourselves busier than we ever imagined.  We spent more time managing our commitments than spending time with each other. Time was passing and it was passing quickly.  In December  of 2017, we decided it was time to do something different, drastic and now. So in just 8 short months, we turned all of our lives completely upside down to course correct our lives.  We got rid of most of our belongings, sold our cars, purchased our plane tickets and headed to Costa Rica with 8 suitcases and a lot of hope in tow.  This is our journey as we work to reclaim "the why" Jake and I got together in the first place: love. relationships. and memories.